Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Good Reminder....

the moment anna q

Image was found here...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

so sad... :( :(

so bummed.... 
I realized the other day that when i was cleaning up (that means deleting photos) in a photo album...
ummm hello i had NO idea it was hooked to my blogger account.... 
insert a VERY unhappy face... all my posts have lost the photos... 
i guess i should pay closer attention to details and the worst part is that i am a details kind of girl! 
 so so very sad.........
 i am now in the process of  pulling off all the old posts one by one and making a journal of them which honestly was the plan from the get go... 
 so please look past the black and white exclamation point i am working on it...

 ps i wont be cleaning that album up anymore.... and as i researched to see if i could fix my mistake looks to be in the blogging world i am not the ONLY one that has done this..... makes me feel SO much better

Thursday, July 28, 2011

It Got HOT... HOT... HOT at the ranch

So extactly a week today we had a wildfire around the ranch. The most terrifying thing ever. Thank God we were fine, we only lost some fence insulators and feel very blessed to have such amazing firemen so close to the ranch. I didn't have a lot of time to take pictures  as I was busy loading up horses, dogs and the kids. It was only 35 acres in total but.....35 acres too many in my book. Life is back to normal well...... other then.....the smell and our blacken view but we are fine and thats what really matters...